Sunday, October 01, 2006

University plans to dump Physics

What a weekend!

By 3pm Friday i had cleared my inbox, intray and desk and was ready for International weekend and Freshers week, everything seemed to be going to plan.

4pm - Dave reads on the education guardian website that Reading University plans to close physics! The communication about this has been appalling, with many people in the University finding out the way we did.

On the first day of International weekend, the eve of the biggest open day of the year, and days before thousands of new students arrive, what was already set to be a hectic few weeks has just become even more hectic.

Our first press release can be found here.

Lots of emails from concerned students have started flooding in, these emails are not just Physics students, the whole student community is disappointed and concerned about these plans.

The Student Union opposes these plans, and more will follow shortly.

Saturday was Open Day, when 8000+ prospective students visited Reading, including many to look at Physics, people who we spoke to were angry and outraged at this sudden announcement.

Whilst i sit here in my office on a Sunday afternoon replying to concerned students, angry students and student who are ready to come together as a strong and active voice, it still baffles me how a University like Reading, can just dump a subject so key to the understanding of the world around us.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

get the university bastards