Sunday, January 14, 2007

National Student Survey

We fully support the NSS, giving students at Reading the opportunity to asses their degree experience against students against other Universities. Last year Reading University came 13th in the UK, and we have used the results to lobby for improvements within the University, particularly in the area of assessment and feedback.

The survey is for final year undergraduates ONLY, and if you lot want to do it now, you can at

The Union gets a chance to see the full results, with lots of comparative data, which for the 2006 Survey showed that younger students were more satisfied with their course than mature students, male students were happier than female students, that white students were more satisfied than black students, that the least satisfied students in the areas of Assessment and Feedback were Construction Management students and that Agriculture was seen as the best department in terms of personal development.

Please fill it in and make a difference for future students!

The press release above is all very good, but what it doesnt say is that the feedback & assesment results were dissapointing, as it was for most institutions.... what is being done about this?
Well, the University has very quickly acted on this, the committee responsible for Exams and Assesment is currently collecting information from departments/schools of best practice and through the Course Rep system i have recieved feedback on good practice and some not so good practice! All this in turn will be fed into the planning and delivery of programmes.

Student feedback is vital to ongoing development of the student experience here @ Reading, the work done by your Students' Union and your sabbatical officers could not be done without it. Thats why our Course Rep system is so important, and why surveys like the National Student Survey are key to helping us and helping you!

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